Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fears and phobias – you are no more to stay!

We are strong, confident and independent individuals. Yet, we house innumerable fears and certain phobias in our thoughts. Yes, our thoughts generate our fears. You might say, ‘But what can we do? It’s human. Terrorist attacks, natural calamities and human calamities like recession have engulfed our securities. What way do we have?’ Friends, there’s always a way. You have got to dissolve your fears. How? Simple! Just recite or chant this little mantra having complete faith in your God – ‘I am absolutely safe’. Then, see what miracles it brings to your lives. Yes, of course, you’ll need little practice. Whenever you are in trouble, use it and it shall show you the escape route. So goodbye fears forever! I’ve mostly conquered mine. Would love to hear the same from you as well!